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The most widely studied explainable AI (XAI) approaches are unsound. This is the case with well-known model-agnostic explanation approaches, and it is also the case with approaches based on saliency maps. One solution is to consider intrinsic interpretability, which does not exhibit the drawback of unsoundness. Unfortunately, intrinsic interpretability can display unwieldy explanation redundancy. Formal explainability represents the alternative to these non-rigorous approaches, with one example being PI-explanations. Unfortunately, PI-explanations also exhibit important drawbacks, the most visible of which is arguably their size. Recently, it has been observed that the (absolute) rigor of PI-explanations can be traded off for a smaller explanation size, by computing the so-called relevant sets. Given some positive {\delta}, a set S of features is {\delta}-relevant if, when the features in S are fixed, the probability of getting the target class exceeds {\delta}. However, even for very simple classifiers, the complexity of computing relevant sets of features is prohibitive, with the decision problem being NPPP-complete for circuit-based classifiers. In contrast with earlier negative results, this paper investigates practical approaches for computing relevant sets for a number of widely used classifiers that include Decision Trees (DTs), Naive Bayes Classifiers (NBCs), and several families of classifiers obtained from propositional languages. Moreover, the paper shows that, in practice, and for these families of classifiers, relevant sets are easy to compute. Furthermore, the experiments confirm that succinct sets of relevant features can be obtained for the families of classifiers considered.
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Supervised machine learning-based medical image computing applications necessitate expert label curation, while unlabelled image data might be relatively abundant. Active learning methods aim to prioritise a subset of available image data for expert annotation, for label-efficient model training. We develop a controller neural network that measures priority of images in a sequence of batches, as in batch-mode active learning, for multi-class segmentation tasks. The controller is optimised by rewarding positive task-specific performance gain, within a Markov decision process (MDP) environment that also optimises the task predictor. In this work, the task predictor is a segmentation network. A meta-reinforcement learning algorithm is proposed with multiple MDPs, such that the pre-trained controller can be adapted to a new MDP that contains data from different institutes and/or requires segmentation of different organs or structures within the abdomen. We present experimental results using multiple CT datasets from more than one thousand patients, with segmentation tasks of nine different abdominal organs, to demonstrate the efficacy of the learnt prioritisation controller function and its cross-institute and cross-organ adaptability. We show that the proposed adaptable prioritisation metric yields converging segmentation accuracy for the novel class of kidney, unseen in training, using between approximately 40\% to 60\% of labels otherwise required with other heuristic or random prioritisation metrics. For clinical datasets of limited size, the proposed adaptable prioritisation offers a performance improvement of 22.6\% and 10.2\% in Dice score, for tasks of kidney and liver vessel segmentation, respectively, compared to random prioritisation and alternative active sampling strategies.
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机器人系统的控制设计很复杂,通常需要解决优化才能准确遵循轨迹。在线优化方法(例如模型预测性控制(MPC))已被证明可以实现出色的跟踪性能,但需要高计算能力。相反,基于学习的离线优化方法,例如加固学习(RL),可以在机器人上快速有效地执行,但几乎不匹配MPC在轨迹跟踪任务中的准确性。在具有有限计算的系统(例如航空车)中,必须在执行时间有效的精确控制器。我们提出了一种分析策略梯度(APG)方法来解决此问题。 APG通过在跟踪误差上以梯度下降的速度训练控制器来利用可区分的模拟器的可用性。我们解决了通过课程学习和实验经常在广泛使用的控制基准,Cartpole和两个常见的空中机器人,一个四极管和固定翼无人机上进行的训练不稳定性。在跟踪误差方面,我们提出的方法优于基于模型和无模型的RL方法。同时,它达到与MPC相似的性能,同时需要少于数量级的计算时间。我们的工作为APG作为机器人技术的有前途的控制方法提供了见解。为了促进对APG的探索,我们开放代码并在https://github.com/lis-epfl/apg_traightory_tracking上提供。
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自从出现以来,在大型,随机收集的数据上训练的视觉模型在许多领域都有重大影响。但是,由于它们在各个领域表现出色,例如图像文本 - 取回,因此他们的内部工作仍未得到充分了解。当前的工作分析了这些模型的真实零击功能。我们从分析培训语料库的分析开始,评估测试类的程度(以及哪个)实际上是零射击,以及与单个类别的性能如何相关。我们跟进这些模型的基于属性的零击学习能力的分析,以评估这种经典的零击概念从大规模的监督中出现的方式。我们利用最近发布的LAION400M数据语料库以及公开可用的剪辑,OpenClip和Flava的模型,评估了基于属性的CUB和AWA2基准的零摄影功能。我们的分析表明:(i)在预训练期间(很多)观察到大多数流行的零射门基准中的大多数类别; (ii)零射击性能主要来自模型识别类标签的能力,每当它们存在于文本中时,并且只有在不使用类标签时才能观察到基于属性的zeroshot学习的较低的性能能力; (iii)所使用的属性数量可能会对性能产生重大影响,并且很容易导致大幅下降。
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在实际优化方案中,要求我们解决的问题实例可能会在优化过程中发生变化,例如,当可用新信息或环境条件发生变化时。在这种情况下,人们可以希望通过从最佳解决方案的最佳解决方案继续进行搜索来实现合理的绩效。同样,人们可能希望,在解决彼此相似的几个问题实例时,````温暖启动'''第二个实例的优化过程是通过第一个实例的最佳解决方案的优化过程。但是,在[Doerr等人,GECCO 2019]中显示,即使使用结构良好的解决方案初始化,进化算法也可能具有通过结构上更糟糕的解决方案替换这些良好溶液的趋势,从而导致优化时间与没有优化的时间相比没有优化的时间。相同的算法从头开始。 Doerr等人。还提出了一种克服这个问题的多样性机制。他们的方法平衡了围绕当前问题的最佳解决方案的贪婪搜索,并在上一个实例的最佳发现解决方案周围进行搜索。在这项工作中,我们首先表明Doerr等人建议的重新优化方法。当问题实例容易发生更频繁的更改时,达到限制。更确切地说,我们证明它们被陷入了动态领导问题问题,目标字符串定期更改。然后,我们提出了其算法的修改,该算法在围绕先前最佳和当前最佳解决方案围绕贪婪的搜索进行了插值。我们从经验上评估了具有各种变化频率和不同扰动因素的前导者实例上的平滑重优化算法,并表明它表现出优于完全重新启动的(1+1)进化算法和Doerr等人的重新挑选方法。
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差异隐私对于具有严格的隐私保证的统计和机器学习算法的现实部署至关重要。为了释放样品平均值,最早开发了差异隐私机制的统计查询。在几何统计中,样本fr \'echet均值代表了最基本的统计摘要之一,因为它概括了属于非线性歧管的数据的样本均值。本着这种精神,到目前为止,已经开发出差异隐私机制的唯一几何统计查询是用于释放样本fr \'echet的含义:最近提出了\ emph {riemannian laplace机制},以使FR私有化FR私有化\'echet的意思是完全riemannian歧管。在许多领域中,对称正定(SPD)矩阵的流形用于对数据空间进行建模,包括在隐私要求是关键的医学成像中。我们提出了一种新颖,简单且快速的机制 - \ emph {切线高斯机构} - 以计算赋予二型e echet的差异私有fr \'echet echet echet echet echet echet echet echet echet echet echet echet echet echet echet echet echet echet echet echet echet echet echet echet echet echet echet echet含量均为ecly -eeclidean riemannian metric。我们表明,我们的新机制在当前和仅可用的基线方面就数据维度获得了二次实用性改进。我们的机制在实践中也更简单,因为它不需要任何昂贵的马尔可夫链蒙特卡洛(MCMC)采样,并且通过多个数量级的计算速度更快 - 如广泛的实验所证实。
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变化自动编码器(VAE)的最新进展使学习潜流歧管成为紧凑的谎言组,例如$ SO(d)$。由于这种方法假定数据在于谎言组本身同构的子空间,因此我们在这里研究了该假设如何在图像的背景下通过预测$ d $二维量产生的图像,而$ d $ d $ d $二维构成$ so so so so(d)$。在检查小组和图像空间的不同理论候选者后,我们表明,定义对数据空间的组动作的尝试通常会失败,因为它需要对卷上的更具体的几何约束。使用几何VAE,我们的实验证实了此约束是适当姿势推断的关键,我们讨论了这些结果对应用和未来工作的潜力。
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